Hey there! I m Alex, 22 years old Belgian/Spanish student finishing my studies in the Netherlands ! I played in 2017 with the Padel Belgian National Team and have been a trainer for 5 years. In my free time, I like to be surrounded with friends ! I am a huge coffee addict and I take it without sugar nor milk.
- Role: Trainer
- Active in: Rotterdam
- Nationality: Belgian/Spanish
- Date of Birth: 04/04/2001
- Height: 1,83m
- Languages: English, French & Spanish
- Left/Right-handed: Lefty
- Playing Side: Right side
- Discovered Padel: in 2017 in Spain
- Prefers to have breakfast with: Coffee
- What do you dislike: cold drinks without ice
- Prefers listening to: jazz
- Enjoys reading books about: fantasy and politics
- Favorite series: Game of Thrones
- Favorite movie: Blade Runner 2024
- Favorite quote: “If you would give me 1 hour to chopped down a tree, I would spend 45 minutes sharpening the axe”